My report card this week – C-

As stated before, I was trying a new set of assignments and assessments in regards to introducing the students to the US Government. While not a failure, I believe I have a lot of room for improvement. Here would be a list of my mistakes:
Find a better way to connect to the students the assignments.
It wasn’t the hook, that was okay, it was the follow up. The follow up needs to identify the closeness and importance to them that understanding the make up of the government. I’ll have to work on that in preparation of next year.
Increase student interactivity on the lesson.
This is more about getting them to interact with each other as much as interact with the lesson. The assignments were better than usual, but I felt that there is a “missing” piece in the discussion. Simply put, they’re not interested – but that (in my thinking) is because I haven’t find the “magic” key to get them interested.
They plowed through the work, some better than others, but it was a poor performance on my part to the start of the new year. Them getting done quick isn’t a measure of my success, it’s the failure on my part to make the connection. Call it like this: They did the material, but how well did it change their perception, sharpen their knowledge or was “rigorous”? That’s the question to ask?
Full disclosure, I haven’t been feeling good since Wednesday, so perhaps it’s a little of that seeping through into my reflection.
And finally, the kick off to next week needs improvement.
Putting an end to this lackluster performance I’ve hoped that my planned assessment comes through. I am giving the students the chance to pick any subject or topic of the US Government and to have three minutes in front of the class. This could include a skit, a video or podcast, a reading of material, or if they don’t want to perform, they will an essay. No more than groups of two that can call on other students to read in a skit or otherwise if they wish.
I’ll report back next week.
Chess club was AMAZING! I had nearly 65 students sign up – 29% of the student body. Which I think is amazing! Not all are experts – that’s only 13. The rest are new, beginners and intermediate self assessed skill level. Time will tell how this shapes up. I have an online chess game place ( that will let the students challenge each other and have real contests against each other. Meanwhile, I am putting together brackets to determine the ranking system.
My main goal is to get through this year, build up those who are beginners and introduce some new players. At some point I might be able to break them into teams to challenge each other and maybe have an end of the year trophy set up for the team winners. Maybe – dare I hope, next year I might have them in a tournament! Maybe!
Until next week. Keep plugging along and looking to the stars…
James Baldini is an educator with over two decades of experience in the field of children. Mr. Baldini has worked as a adolescent counselor in a youth shelter, a disciplinarian within a High School, a Vice Principal, a Technology Coordinator, a Social Studies Teacher as well as a Humanities Teacher. Mr. Baldini holds a Standard Certificate in the following areas: School Leadership (Principal), Social Studies (K-12), and Elementary Education.
Mr. Baldini also blogs for his daughter. Derya Demirtas came down with Autoimmune Encephalitis at the last few months of 2014. Since then he and his valiant wife have been caring for Derya. Feel free to follow their story at – and learn more about Autoimmune Encephalitis and how to help others.
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